It was my first PTA film when I saw it six or seven years ago. I thought it was amazing at the time, and I’ve thought of it as a great film ever since then, but I never gave it a revisit. Now that I’ve seen all of Anderson’s films (save the first two and that music doc), I decided to give it another go.
It’s perfect.
Except for one strange, unintentionally funny shot of Henry with his tongue out and a three-second instance of somewhat distracting unsynchronized sound, it’s perfect.
I was thinking I could say Phantom Thread is my favorite of his films, but now I’m not sure.
Two small notes:
- Why is it so satisfying to identify a classical composition in a movie? I was happy when I heard Arvo Pärt. Definitely hadn’t heard any of his music before seeing this the first time. PTA, Greenwood, and the sound designer(s) use Fratres very effectively toward the end of act one.
- I kept thinking, “This score sounds like ‘Burn the Witch.’” Well no duh, idiot.