Somehow best-picture-winner Rain Man continues to be, by far, the worst Cruise film I’ve seen.
The pacing in this is pretty wacky (both in real world time and within the movie world itself; are they seriously only giving Maverick like three days to grieve?), but the sun-drenched splendor of the whole thing is too much to ignore. Reminded me of Thelma & Louise (by Tony Scott’s lesser-known brother).
Of course there’s an obvious propagandistic slant—how else would they get the resources to make the film. This tidbit from IMDb’s trivia section disturbs me somewhat (although obviously it’s IMDb, so take it with a grain of salt): “Riding on the back of this film's success, the U.S. Navy set up recruiting booths in the major cinemas to try and catch some of the adrenaline charged guys leaving the screenings. They had the highest applications rate for years as a result.”
But what can I do—propaganda is designed to be entertaining after all. It’s not like it’s influencing me in any meaningful way, so who cares. I love Soy Cuba too, so it all balances out.